
The end of populism
Twenty proposals to defend liberal democrcay
Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2021
Drawing on extensive original sources, this book refutes the populist claim that democracy is a "demand side" phenomenon. Van Herpen argues that one can have "too much democracy" and shows how methods of direct democracy, such as popular initiatives and referendums, which pretend "to give the power back to the people," have led to manipulation by populists and moneyed interests. Populist attacks on the judiciary, central banks, and the media, instead of strengthening democracy, have undermined liberal democracy. The author formulates twenty original and bold proposals to bridge the gap between the people and the elites, fight corruption, improve political party funding, and initiate societal, educational, and macro-economic reforms to increase economic equality and alleviate the insecurity of the citizens.
For more information, click here

Putini Propagandamasin -Pehme Jõud Ja Venemaa Välispoliitika
(Putin's Propaganda Machine - Soft Power and Russian Foreign Policy).
Tallinn, Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2016, Estonian

Becoming Marx - How the Young Karl Marx Became a Marxist
Maastricht, Cicero Foundation Press, 2016

Putin's Propaganda Machine - Soft Power and Russian Foreign Policy
Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield, 2015

Putin’s Wars – The Rise of Russia’s New Imperialism - First edition
Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2014, English

Putinism – The Slow Rise of a Radical Right Regime in Russia
Houndmills and New York, Palgrave, 2013, English

Putinin Sodat – Venäjän uuden Imperialismin Nousu
Helsinki: Terra Cognita, 2015, Finnish

(Putin’s Wars – Chechnya – Georgia – Ukraine: Unlearned Lessons of the Past)
Kharkiv: Vivat Publishing, 2015, Ukrainian

Putinizm – Powolny rozwój radykalnego reżimu prawicowego w Rosji - Second Edition
Gdańsk: Harmonia, 2015, Polish

Putin’s Wars – The Rise of Russia’s New Imperialism - Second Enlarged Edition
Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2015, English

Putin’s Wars – The Rise of Russia’s New Imperialism - First edition
Audiobook, English, 2014

Wojny Putina – Czeczenia, Gruzja, Ukraina 2014
Putin’s Wars – Chechnya, Georgia, Ukraine 2014
Warsaw: Prószyński Media, 2014, Polish

(Putin’s Wars – Chechnya, Georgia, Ukraine: Unlearned Lessons of the Past).
Kharkov: Vivat Publishing, 2015, Russian

Putinizm – Powolny rozwój radykalnego reżimu prawicowego w Rosji - First edition
Gdańsk: Harmonia, 2014, Polish

Marx en de mensenrechten – politiek en ethiek van Rousseau tot Marx
(Marx and Human Rights – Politics and Ethics from Rousseau to Marx).
Weesp: Het Wereldvenster, 1983, Dutch
Edited books

NATO’s New Strategy & ESDI – European Security in the New Millennium
Maastricht: Cicero Foundation Press, 1999

After NATO Enlargement
Maastricht: Cicero Foundation Press, 1997
Cicero Paper, No. 3

Defence – Next Step in European Integration?
Maastricht: Cicero Foundation Press, 1996
Cicero Paper, No. 1.

European Security and Defence Identity – New Developments
Maastricht: Cicero Foundation Press, 1998
Cicero Paper, No. 4

Going East: The Enlargement of the EU with the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe
Maastricht: Cicero Foundation Press, 1997
Cicero Paper, No. 2
Book chapters

"The Many Faces of the New Information Warfare,"
in: Olga Bertelsen (ed.), Russian Active Measures - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, (Stuttgart: Ibidem Verlag, 2021), pp. 37-59.

"Ukraine's Three Revolutions: A Sign of Hope in a Depressed World."
in: Pawel Kowal, Georges Mink, Iwona Reichardt (eds), Three Revolutions and Change in Contemporary Ukraine I - Theoretical Aspects and Analyses in Contemporary Ukraine I," (Stuttgart: Ibidem Verlag, 2019), pp. 159-166.

Six Dimensions of the Growing Transatlantic Divide: Are The US and Europe Definitively Driving Themselves Apart?
Hall Gardner (ed.), NATO and the European Union – New World, New Europe, New Threats, (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004), chapter 11