English articles

The Political Role of the Russian Orthodox Church
The National Interest, November 19, 2019.

"Early Liberals and Universal Suffrage - Their Fear of Populists and "Dangerous" People."
Cicero Foundation Great Debate Paper, No. 19/01, June 2019.

"Will Populism Come to Russia?"
The National Interest, September 20, 2018.

"The Rise of Kremlin-Friendly Populism in The Netherlands."
Cicero Foundation Great Debate Paper, No. 18/04, June 2018.

“Putin’s Propaganda Machine.”
BRE Review (Baltic Rim Economies), University of Turku (Finland), October 2016, Issue No. 4, p. 35.

"Russia's Nuclear Threats and the Security of the Baltic States."
Cicero Foundation Great Debate Paper, No. 16/05, July 2016.

"The Warsaw NATO Summit: What Does it Mean for Ukraine?"
112.International (Ukraine), July 8, 2016.

"Who Will Succeed Vladimir Putin?"
New Eastern Europe, No. 3-4 (XXII), May-August 2016, pp. 93-99.

"MARX OR PIKETTY? What Should Be Done Against the Growing Inequality?"
Cicero Foundation Great Debate Paper, No. 16/02, March 2016.

"The Strange Putin- Kissinger Friendship,"
Cicero Foundation Commentary, No. 16/01,January 2016.

"The Kremlin's 'Antifascism': What Does It Mean when the Kremlin Calls You a 'Fascist'?"
December 1, 2015.

"The Media Has Swallowed Five Russian Myths That Have Helped Putin Win in Ukraine,"
(with Agnia Grigas), Forbes, September 17, 2014.

“Ukraine: Who Is Responsible for the Death of the Passengers of the MH17?
A Commentary in Ten Points,”
Cicero Foundation Commentary, No. 14/02, July 2014.

"How the West Failed in Ukraine – Lessons To Be Learned,"
Cicero Foundation Great Debate Paper, No. 14/04, May 2014.

“Ukraine: An Urgent Call for U.S. Leadership,”
Cicero Foundation Great Debate Paper, No. 14/02, March 2014.

“The PRISM Scandal, the Kremlin, and the Eurasian Union,”
Atlantic-Community.org, July 19, 2013.

“Joseph Stalin Is Back… But Did He Ever Go Away?”
Cicero Foundation Commentary, No. 13/02, May 2013.

“Putin’s Authoritarian Allure in Europe,”
The Moscow Times, March 21, 2013.

“The roots of Vladimir Putin’s authoritarian allure,”
The Japan Times, March 20, 2013.

“Putinism’s Authoritarian Allure,”
Project Syndicate, March 15, 2013.

“Marx and Human Rights – Analysis of an Ambivalent Relationship,”
Cicero Foundation Great Debate Paper, No. 12/07, September 2012.

“The Foreign Policy of François Hollande: U-Turn or Continuity?”
Cicero Foundation Great Debate Paper, No. 12/03, May 2012.

“Russia’s Embrace of Tactical Nuclear Weapons -Its Negative Impact on U.S. Proposals for Nuclear Arms Reductions,”
Cicero Foundation Great Debate Paper, No. 11/04, September 2011.

“The Foreign Policy of Nicolas Sarkozy: Not Principled, Opportunistic and Amateurish,”
Cicero Foundation Great Debate Paper, No. 10/01, February 2010.

“Why France Rejoins NATO – Wooing Britain?”
Cicero Foundation Great Debate Paper, No. 09/01, 2009.

“France and NATO or How to Build a European Defence,”
ARI Paper, No. 40, March 3, 2009, Real Instituto Elcano, Madrid.

“Medvedev’s Proposal for a Pan-European Security Pact -
Its Six Hidden Objectives and How the West Should Respond,”
The Cicero Foundation, October 2008.

“Russia, Georgia, and the European Union –
The Creeping Finlandization of Europe,”
The Cicero Foundation, September 2008.

“Sarkozy, France, and NATO –
Will Sarkozy’s Rapprochement to NATO Be Sustainable?”
The Cicero Foundation, June 2008.

“I say NATO, You Say No NATO,”
The National Interest, No. 95, May-June 2008.

“Paris May ’68 and Provo Amsterdam ’65:
Trying to Understand Two Postmodern Youth Revolts,”
The Cicero Foundation, May 2008.

“Building a Bigger, Better NATO at Riga,”
The National Interest, November 27, 2006.

“The Failed European Constitution and U.S. Interests,”
The National Interest, July 8, 2005.

“Five Lessons Learned from a Failed Constitution,”
The Cicero Foundation, June 2005.

“Chirac’s Gaullism – Why France Has Become the Driving Force
Behind an Autonomous European Defence Policy,”
The Romanian Journal of European Affairs, Vol. 4, No. 1, May 2004.

“Should Turkey Join the EU?
The Anti-Turkish Stance of the French UMP and German CDU/CSU,”
The Cicero Foundation, May 1, 2004.

“Security Council Reform: How and When?”
The National Interest, October 8, 2003.

“France: Champion of a Multipolar World,”
The National Interest, May 14, 2003

“Europe is in Danger of Being Divided,”
The Financial Times, February 3, 2003