
Catherine Vuylsteke, "Ruslandkenner Marcel H. van Herpen: 'Voor de Russen is de kernoptie niet uitgesloten'."
Knack (Belgium), March 9, 2022.

Marcela Vélez-Plickert, "Marcel Van Herpen, autor de 'Putin's Wars': "Habra un golpe interna en el Kremlin"
Diario Financiero (Chile), February 25, 2022.

Agnieszka Marcela Kaminska, "Biden-Putin summit. Marcel H. Van Herpen: Putin will not be willing to talk about Belarus nor Ukraine."
PolskieRadio24, June 15, 2021.

"Dutch Expert: This Presidential Term Will Be the Last Chance for Putin
to Become 'Vladimir the Great'"
RT (InoSMI), May 10, 2018.

"Van Herpen: Putin chce zostac "Wladimirem Wielkim," ma obsesje na punkcie Ukrainy i plan restytucji ZSRR."
Polskie Radio24, May 7, 2018.

"Does Russia Have a Credible Opposition?" (Debate)
TRT TV (Turkey), March 19, 2018.

Fernando Fuentes, “Marcel H. van Herpen, investigador holandés expert en Rusia: ‘La próxima presidencia de Putin será la más peligrosa’.”
La Tercera, (Chile), March 18, 2018.

Podcast "The European Front: Putin's Lobby in Europe."
With Brian Whitmore and Cécile Vaissié.
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, April 28, 2017.

Nolan Peterson, "The Syria Strike Deals Putin a Double Blow."
Newsweek, April 10, 2017.

Nolan Peterson, "Did the London Attack Give Putin Cover to Kill Enemy?"
Newsweek, March 24, 2017.

Hrafnkell Haraldsson, "The Trump Effect in Action:
Dutch Defeat Their Authoritarian Racist Nationalist."
Politicus USA, March 16, 2017

Brian Ross and Matthew Mosk, “In Russia probe, Congress casts wide net – including first family,”
ABC News, March 3, 2017.

Cody Lyon, “The Significant Downside if Trump Plays Nice With Russia,”
The Huffington Post, January 30, 2017.

Andrew Buncombe, “Henry Kissinger has ‘advised Donald Trump to accept’ Crimea as part of Russia.”
The Independent, December 27, 2016.

Fernando Fuentes, “Marcel H. Van Herpen, investigador holandés experto en Rusia: ‘Ciertamento este fue un año exitoso para Vladimir Putin’.”
(Marcel H. Van Herpen, Dutch Researcher, Russia Expert: 'Certainly this was an exciting year for Vladimir Putin). (Spanish).
La Tercera, (Chile), December 19, 2016.

Liisa Tagel, “Marcel H. Van Herpen: Kremli propagandale meeldivad valimised, lääne valimised,”
(Kremlin propaganda is like elections, Western elections), (Estonian).
Postimees, (Estonia), December 5, 2016.

Nolan Peterson, "Ukraine Cease-Fire Threatened by U.S.-Russia Syria Deal,"
Newsweek, October 15, 2016.

Discussion on Duma election
Interview Studio Wschód, (East Studio TV) (Poland), September 17, 2016.

Путін стае все вразливішим - Марсель Ван Херпен
(Putin Becomes More Vulnerable - Marcel Van Herpen). (Ukrainian).
Radio Svoboda, August 16, 2016.

"Кто окружает Путина: эксперт рассказал о двух группах." (Who Is Surrounding Putin: An Expert Speaks About Two Groups). (Russian).
Fakti ICTV, (Ukraine), August 16, 2016.

"После Путина Россия перейдет в руки военных."
(After Putin Russia Could Fall in the Hands of the Military). (Russian).
Vlasti, (Russia), August 5, 2016.

Владимир Дедей, “Кто может стать новым хозяином Кремля?”
(Vladimir Dedey, "Who Can Become the New Master of the Kremlin?"). (Russian).
Hyser, (Ukraine), August 4, 2016.

"New Eastern Europe поведал, что ждет Россию после Путина." (New Eastern Europe Told What Awaits Russia After Putin). (Russian).
Politicheskoe Obozrenie, August 1, 2016.

Federico Fuentes, "Marcel H. Van Herpen experto holandés en integración europea: El Brexit provocará fragilidad en la UE en el corto plazo, porque es un verdadero golpe."
(Brexit will weaken the EU in the short term, because it is a real blow). (Spanish).
La Tercera (Chili), June 26, 2016.

Oleg Cojocaru, "Marcel Van Herpen: Putin nu va trimite „omuleţii verzi” în ţările baltice. Le va ocupa cu diviziile sale de tancuri."
(Marcel Van Herpen: Putin will not send "little green men" to the Baltics. He will occupy them with his tank divisions). (Romanian).
Pagina de Rusia, (Romania), June 21, 2016.

Виталина Тарасова, "Ван Херпен: Путин всегда был и остается тем же - офицером среднего звена КГБ"
(Vitalina Tarasova, "Van Herpen: Putin was and will remain a middle ranking KGB officer").
Биржевой Лидер, (Russia), June 20, 2016.

Michał Sutowski, "Marcel Van Herpen - Rosja moze opanowac kraje baltyckie w 24 godziny."
(Marcel Van Herpen - Russia can conquer the Baltic States in 24 hours). (Polish).
Wiadomosci (Poland), June 18, 2016.

Interview on Impact of Brexit on Eastern Europe
Interview Studio Wschód, (East Studio TV) (Poland), June 18, 2016.

Michał Sutowski, "Van Herpen: W co Gra Rosja."
(In every Game Russia is involved) (Polish).
Krytyka Polityczna, June 15, 2016.

Michael Rubin, “Is US Iran Lobby Pro-US or Pro-Putin?”
Commentary, May 4, 2016.

Liisa Tagel, “Van Herpen: Moskva ehitab uut impeeriumi,”
(Van Herpen: Moscow builds a new empire), (Estonian).
Postimees, (Estonia), April 22, 2016.

"Poetin's propaganda machine."
VPRO Radio (The Netherlands), (Dutch), April 7, 2016.

Interview by Julia Sotska, "UT Exclusive: Counter efforts to Russian propaganda in the EU,"
Ukraine Today TV, April 3, 2016.

Discussion on Situation in Ukraine
Interview Studio Wschód, (East Studio TV) (Poland), January 30, 2016.

Fleur Willemsen, “Marcel van Herpen: ‘Voor Poetin is Syrië slechts de sideshow’.”
(Marcel Van Herpen: For Putin is Syria only the sideshow).
De Volkskrant (The Netherlands), November 27, 2015.

“TRT World: Marcel H. Van Herpen talks to TRTWorld
on Russia’s possible reaction to downed jet.”
TRT (Turkish TV), November 26, 2015.

"Wat is Poetinisme?" (Lezing/Lecture).
University of Amsterdam, November 3, 2015.

Enrique Alpañes, Los Lobos de la Noche. Así es la milicia motera de Putin
(The Night Wolves: Putin's motor bikers' militia).
El País (Spain), October 31, 2015.

Ram Etwareea, “L’OTAN ne cherche pas la confrontation mais affûte ses armes,"
Le Temps (Switzerland), October 8, 2015.

Nolan Peterson, “Ukrainians Fear a Russian Siege of Mariupol,”
Newsweek (US Edition), June 6, 2015.

Talk show “Avondgasten” (Evening Guests)
L1 TV (The Netherlands), April 29, 2015.

Pablo Rodillo, “Biógrafos de Putin explican personalidad del hombre que tiene en jaque a Occidente.”
(Putin's Biographers explain the personality of the man who keeps the West in check) (Spanish)
La Segunda (Chile), March 27, 2015.

Eefje Oomen, “Nog 2 dagen voluit oorlog… en dan vrede?”
(Still two days of complete war … and then peace?)
Algemeen Dagblad (The Netherlands), February 13, 2015.

Karlijn van Houwelingen, “Alleen wapens kunnen Poetin stoppen,”
(Only weapons can stop Putin - Interview with Marcel H. Van Herpen)
Algemeen Dagblad (The Netherlands), February 9, 2015.

Discussion on Situation in Ukraine
Studio Wschód (East Studio TV) (Poland), January 31, 2015.

“Poetin en de Europese populisten,” (Radio Debate with Gerolf Annemans,
Chairman of ‘Vlaams Belang’ on Putin’s illegal party financing in Europe).
VPRO Radio, Geobureau (The Netherlands), December 2, 2014.

Fernando Fuentes, “Experto en Rusia: “Putin considera la reconstitución del imperio ruso como vocación de vida y Europa no lo detendrá,”
(Russia Expert: Putin considers the reconstitution of the Russian empire as his life’s vocation and Europe will not stop him)
La Tercera (Chile), September 7, 2014.

Karel Smouter and Rob Wijnberg,
“Een hoofdredactionele reflectie op het artikel over Vladimir Poetin,”
(A reflection of the chief editors on the article on Putin).
De Correspondent (The Netherlands), August 23, 2014.

Tomas Vanheste, “Na jaren van wegkijken zien we nu Vladimir Poetins ware gezicht,”
(After years of looking away we see now Vladimir Putin’s true face)
De Correspondent (The Netherlands), August 22, 2014.

“Newsweek: Имперских амбиций у Путина больше, чем тяги к СССР.”
(Newsweek: Putin has rather imperial ambitions than the ambition to return to the USSR). (Russian).
INO TV, (Russia), August 8, 2014.

Marcin Meller, “Faszyzm. Antyfaszyzm. Putinizm,”
(Fascism. Antifascism. Putinism – Interview with Marcel H. Van Herpen).
Newsweek (Polish edition), August 7, 2014.

Marcin Meller, “Czy w sprawie Ukrainy Holandia sprzymierzy się z Polską?”
(Will the Netherlands Become Poland’s Ally on Ukraine?).
Newsweek (Polish edition), July 27, 2014.

“Dla Holandii to 11 września,”
(For the Netherlands this was September 11).
Super Express (Poland), July 23, 2014.

Enrique Morales, “Los expertos creen que el siguente pasa será endurecer
las sanciones a Rusia,”
(Experts Believe that the Next Step Will Be to Take Harder Sanctions against Russia).
La Informacion (Chile), July 21, 2014.
Also published in Teinteresa (Spain), July 21, 2014.

Ronie Berggren, “Putin och Rysslands Nya Imperialism,”
(Putin and Russia’s New Imperialism - Radio Interview with Marcel H. Van Herpen on
“Putin’s Wars”). (Swedish).
Amerikanska Nyhetsanalyser (Sweden), June 28, 2014.

Mirosław Skowron, “Marcel H. Van Herpen: Rosja Putina to państwo neofaszystowskie,”
(Marcel H. Van Herpen: Putin’s Russia is a neofascist regime).
Super Express (Poland), June 7, 2014.

Fernando Fuentes, “Inmigración domina debate de elección europea en medio
de alza de illegales,”
(Immigration Dominates European Election Debate while Number of Illegal Migrants Is Rising).
La Tercera (Chile), May 25, 2014.

Bogdan Zalewski, “Van Herpen: Putin przypomina Mussoliniego,”
(Putin Reminds one of Mussolini).
RMF-FM Radio (Poland), May 23, 2014.

Ole Øvind Sand Holth, “De Besatte,”
(Book Review of Marcel H. Van Herpen, “Putin’s Wars”).
Dagens Naeringsliv (Norway), May 23, 2014

Interview with Marcel H. Van Herpen on publication Polish translation of “Putin’s Wars.”
Radio PIN (Poland), May 21, 2014.

Fernando Fuentes, “Investigador holandés experto en Rusia:
”Putin no busca desafiar a Occidente, sino restaurar el imperio ruso,”
(Dutch Analyst and Russia Expert: “Putin Does Not Seek To Challenge the West, but to Restore the Russian Empire).
La Tercera (Chile), March 16, 2014.

Marcela Vélez-Plickert, “La ambición hegemónica rusa sufre traspié clave en Ucrania,”
(The Russian Hegemonic Ambition Suffers an Important Setback in Ukraine).
El Mercurio (Chile), February 23, 2014.

“Une politique étrangère française revenue sur de bons rails,”
La Croix (France), February 15, 2012.

Андрей Левкин, “Форум ЕС-Россия: Часть II-я.”
(Andrei Levkin, "Forum EU-Russia: Part II." (Russian)., (Russia), June 2, 2009.

George Parker and John Thornhill, “France blocks Turkey Eurozone talks,”
The Financial Times (UK), June 25, 2007.

Graham Bowley, “Vote Taken in Stride Outside the Continent,”
The New York Times (USA), June 4, 2005.

“The World at One” (radio interview)
BBC, June 1, 2005.

Graham Bowley, “Growing Scepticism from Dutch on EU Charter,”
International Herald Tribune (USA), May 13, 2005.

John Thornhill, “Chirac Seeks New Balance to Relations with the US and Europe,”
Financial Times (UK), February 23, 2005.

James Harding and Daniel Dombey, “Sporadic Applause for Bush’s European Overture,”
Financial Times (UK), February 21, 2005.

Richard Tomkins, “Analysis: No Early Thaw Seen Between EU and US,”
United Press International (USA), December 29, 2004.