“Vladimir Putin se convierte en ídolo de la ultraderecha europea,”
(Vladimir Putin transforms himself in the idol of the European extreme right).
Aldea Global (Bolivia), November 30, 2014. (In Spanish)

“Putin el nacional-populista,”
(Putin the national populist).
Foros Perú (Peru), July 27, 2014. (In Spanish).

“Putin, un modelo nacionalpopulista,”
(Putin, a national-populist model).
Radical (Spain), April 26, 2013. (In Spanish)

“PvdA moet zich instellen op politieke tweedeling,”
(PvdA should prepare for political bipolarity)
De Volkskrant, July 12, 1986, p. 17. (in Dutch)

“Een generaal in de aanval,”
(A general in the offensive – Interview with French general Etienne Copel on his book Vaincre la guerre).
Intermediair, 20e jaargang, May 18, 1984, pp. 11-15. (In Dutch).

“Europese defensie ook door VS gepropageerd,”
(European defense also propagated by US).
De Volkskrant, March 10, 1984, p. 17. (In Dutch).

“De Zweedse werknemersfondsen – een model voor de sociaal-democratie?”
(The Swedish employee funds – A model for the [Dutch] social-democracy?).
Socialisme & Democratie, Jaargang 41, 1984, No. 3, March 1984, pp. 89-96. (In Dutch).

“Interventiestaat of selectieve verzorgingsstaat?”
(Interventionist state or selective welfare state?)
Acta Politica, 19(3), 1984, pp. 379-387. (In Dutch)

“Schiller und Marx – Die unbekannte, erste Entfremdungstheorie von Marx,”
(Schiller and Marx – Marx’s First, Unknown Theory of Alienation)
Kant-Studien, 74(3), 1983. (In German)

“Marx en de mensenrechten – analyse van een ambivalente verhouding,”
(Marx and Human Rights – Analysis of an Ambivalent Relationship)
Wijsgerig Perspectief, 23(2), 1982/1983. (In Dutch)

“De onbekende, eerste vervreemdingstheorie van Marx – Schiller en Marx,”
(Marx’s unknown, first theory of alienation – Schiller and Marx).
Politica, jaargang 32, December 1982, No. 4, pp. 379-400. (In Dutch).

“Het utilisme en de verzorgingsstaat,”
(Utilitarianism and the Welfare State)
Filosofie & Praktijk, No. 3/1, March 1982, pp. 38-46. (In Dutch)

“To have and have not: Bonn’s kansen voor kernwapens –
Deel 2 van ‘Kernwapens in Europa,”
(with Gerard Metselaar).
(To have and have not: Bonn’s chances [to acquire] nuclear weapons – Part 2 of ‘Nuclear weapons in Europe’).
Intermediair, 17e jaargang, No. 51, December 18, 1981, pp. 5-13. (In Dutch).

“Het onvermogen der bondgenoten –
Deel 1 van ‘Kernwapens in Europa’,”
(with Gerard Metselaar).
(The powerlessness of the allies – Part 1 of ‘Nuclear weapons in Europe’).
Intermediair, 17e jaargang, No. 50, December 11, 1981, pp. 41-47. (In Dutch).

“Nationalisme of supranationalisme?”
(Nationalism or supranationalism? – Debate with J.L. Heldring).
Internationale Spectator, 35(5), May 1981, pp. 304-305. (In Dutch).

“De Nederlander en de Europese Gemeenschap,”
(The Dutchman and the European Community).
Internationale Spectator, 35(2), February 1981, pp. 79-85. (In Dutch)

“Verscherping van de Berufsverbotepraktijk in de Bondsrepubliek,”
(Tightening of berufsverbotepraxis in the Federal Republic).
Roos in de Vuist, 6e jaargang, No. 18, August 25, 1980, p. 2. (In Dutch).

“Rousseau en de ‘Sturm und Drang’ –
De vroegste receptie van Rousseau’s cultuurkritiek in Duitsland,”
(Rousseau and the ‘Sturm und Drang’ –
The earliest reception of Rousseau’s cultural criticism in Germany).
De Gids, 142, 1979. (In Dutch).

“Terrorisme zonder terreur –
Een poging tot een sociologische definitie van de begrippen terrorisme en terreur,”
(Terrorism without Terror – An Attempt to Develop a Sociological Definition of the Concepts Terrorism and Terror).
Paper for the Conference “Terrorisme en politiek geweld,” (Terrorism and political violence), organized by the Polemological Institute of Groningen State University, Groningen, September 28-29, 1978.
(In Dutch).

“De wereldvisie van Zbigniew Brzezinski,”
(The world vision of Zbigniew Brzezinski).
Tijdschrift voor Diplomatie, 4e jaargang, May 1978, pp. 519-526. (In Dutch).

“Professor van Zuthem als ondernemers ideoloog,”
(Professor van Zuthem, an entrepreneurs’ ideologue).
Te elfder ure, 20e jaargang, No. 1, 1973. (In Dutch).

“Marx’ theorie van de vervreemding,”
(Marx’s theory of alienation).
Link, No. 11, January-March 1972, pp. 23-51. (In Dutch).

“Samenvatting Ajtmatov-Diskussie,”
(On the Kyrgyz writer Chinghiz Aitmatov).
Link, No. 10, February-March 1971, pp. 36-39. (In Dutch).

“Naar een nieuwe demokratie,”
(Toward a new democracy).
Te elfder ure, 17e jaargang, No. 3, 1970. (In Dutch)

“De latere Marxisten hebben de mens verwaarloosd,”
(Later Marxists have neglected the individual – Interview with the Polish philosopher Adam Schaff)
De Nieuwe Linie, January 10, 1970. (In Dutch)

“De onvoltooide revolutie”
(Book Review of Isaac Deutscher The Unfinished Revolution).
Nijmeegs Universiteitsblad, jaargang 17, November 24, 1967, p. 5. (In Dutch).